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Help Minnesota Save

Resources for Families in Tough Economic Times

Public Benefits Screening & Enrollment

Bridge to Benefits
A website with a user-friendly screening tool to determine eligibility for public work support programs such as Medical or Child Care Assistance, Food Support, School Meal Program and more. It DOES NOT ask for personal information and is confidential and free! Developed by Children’s Defense Fund Minnesota

Families in Tough Economic Times Website
A website with resources to help families tackle tough times today and tomorrow. Developed by the University of Minnesota Extension Center for Family Development.

Minnesota Food HelpLine 1-888-711-1151
A helpline to enroll low-income Minnesotans in the Food Support (Food Stamps) program and help callers find emergency food assistance. Multilingual eligibility screening and Food Support application assistance is available. Developed by Hunger Solutions Minnesota.

Stay Warm Minnesota Website
A website with resources to help every Minnesota family experience a safe and comfortable winter without having their home heating bills overtake the entire family budget. Provides information about energy efficiency and heating assistance programs provided by the federal and state government, private industry, nonprofits and energy utilities. Developed by the Minnesota Office of Energy Security at the Department of Commerce in collaboration with other private and public partners.

Low-Cost Medical, Dental & Mental Health Care Providers in Minnesota
These providers may be able to help people without health insurance. List compiled by MN DHS and updated in July 2009.

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